Saturday, November 24, 2007

Goodbye Marie

August 8, 1943

Dearest Marie,

This may be the last letter that I may be able to write for some time. If it is do not worry. I do not know now what will happen. But remember that I love you and keep writing. The letters will get to me somehow and even if they are old they will read good. Remember do not put anything military in any letter unless you can cover it up. I will read between the lines. Would like to know what arrangements you have made about going home. How does the apartment work out? Did the girls sell their trailers? How is Patsy etc.

Didn’t receive a letter from you since I got back. Remember to give Patsy a big hug and kiss from her daddy and pray that he won’t be gone too long.

Everything is quiet here. My promotion is definitely out and I am now listed as assistant sergeant.

Well honey I haven’t much more to say for now. Remember how I miss your love and kisses and companionship. Best wife in the world—that’s you.

Please tell me your plan on going home. In the meantime much love to you and Patsy.

Your loving husband,

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