Monday, January 28, 2008

October 21, 1943

Dearest Marie and Patsy,

Received letter with proofs of Patsy dated the 27th of sept and a letter dated the 26th of Sept. and a V mail dated October 9th yesterday. Today I received a V mail dated October 11. Must be you skipped Sunday. I skipped yesterday on the letter deal because I went to town but I made up for it by shipping a large package of gifts to you. Don't know how you will like them but I hope they appeal to you. But I will tell you about them in the course of this letter.

We arrived in town about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and after having a bite to eat in the officer's club, I left the rest of the officers and went to visit the Cathedral of Joan of Arc. You know, or course, that Joan of Arc is the patron Saint of France. As one approaches the cathedral they will see the large goden statue of the saint perched upon a golden horse. She is clothed in armor and has a shield and lance. This statue is situated in a small park which is located directly in front of the cathedral proper. The cathedral towers high above the park--49 steps up by actual count. The front of the building itself is in the form of a great arch which is decorated by pictures of the Blessed Trinity on the very top and angels on each side along the sides of the arch. All these representations are done in colored tile work and contrast beautifully against the sand color of the building itself. A beautiful iron fence, with gates for entrance to each of the five doors, contrasts against the pastel colors of the arch and light brown doors.

As one enters the church, the eye is met with a large stone altar which is fenced off from the resst of the church and is raised up from the floor by about two feet. Instead of the kneeling benches and seats, there are straight back chairs and a few kneelers in fromt. As you approach the altar, the rich upolhstering of the chairs within the sanctuary are visible and the red plush stands out brilliantly. Hand carved furniture is much in evidence. The floor is covered by a beautiful oriental rug of a multicolored patern (similar to the rug I am sending you). Oddly enough several little boys, obviously altar boys, dressed in red cassocks and white surplus and set off by a red cardinal's hat, were whispering and talking near the front of the church. In rear of the altar was a beautiful grotto and altar set within that grotto, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. Flowers of all kinds were there in decoration. Numerous marble thanksgivings were hung on the wall around the structure with the words "Merci, Marie" (thank you Mary) or "Remembrance Mary".

I left the church after about forty minutes of looking and praying and walked out into the crowded and busy streets. An old Arab in his flowing white garments looked apprehensively at me and an ancient streetcar clattered by. Army vechiles roared passed and on the corner a French policemnan whistled at the traffic like our cops at home.

As I walked down the crowded streets window shopping I stopped occasionally and looked into a window here and there.
Finally I found a French jewlery store and, of course, you kow that I can't resist that kind of a store. On going in, I foundthat the jewlery was all in the window and they had may interesting ink drawings, oils and watercolors. after much deliberation i purchased the view of the old fort in the city as you will see when you get the package. then I asked for a silver braclet that I saw in the window. It is a beautiful piece of hand worked silver. Pure sterling hammered into the design by native craftsmaen.

After all that shopping I again returned to the officer's club, had a bite to eat and again met the rest of the officers. After a short time we attended a show put on by a group of army boys entitled "10 minute Break". It was a musical comedy and was very amusing.

Well, honey, it is hard to even attempt to give you a hundred percent description of these things, but I am sure you will at least have some idea of them. This all would be so much more enjoyable if we were seeing it together and the world was not at war. but when this wr ends, I will be happy just to stay with you and love you dearly. I still miss you terribly and hope you miss me. Don't worry and don't dye your hair.
Closing now with loads of love and kisses.

Your loving husband John

Monday, January 21, 2008

This letter contains an interesting piece of history! World War II made ordinary living and getting essentials very difficult for alot of people.

Dearest Marie and Patsy,

Skipped one letter yesterday becuase I went to town in the afternoon. Bought a leather wallet and another leather piece which I will mail home to you as soon as possible. Prices in town are exceedingly high and the stores are absolutely bare. Simple little items cost a fortune here and a good number of them are seconds imported from the U.S.

You will be interested in a shopping tour through one of their ten cent stores. Typical of such stores they sold everything from clothing to hardware but actually the goods was poor and the shelves were almost emptly. A few bottles of bluing, a shelf of native pottery, a counter with various sized buttons loose in glass dividers, no candy counter (impossible to get here), no crowds or any reson for them to come. What a business old Woolworth could do here with his stores. About the time we had looked about the store and were on the way out, a bell sounded and all the girls who worked behind the counters hastened to cover the counters and rush out while a bouncer at the door saw that everyone left the store quickly. All the stores on closing have heavy metal shields which pull down to protect the windows from thieves.

Got my ration of candy for one week today. One package of life savers, one package of assorted wafers, 2 packages of gum. Of course that is plenty for me but not for a candy lover.

Recieved your letter of the 2nd of September and could almost taste the good food that the Scots put out. Sure made me hungry. This dehydrated food is nothing like that.

By the way do all you can for the American Red Cross. They are 100%. They run a snack bar over here with food, coffee, lemonade, fresh bakery, etc. They pass out bags of miscellaneous items such as books, gum, sewing kits etc. they have treated all of us 100%. Showers are available at the Red Cross, movies and a place to read or write, etc.

Miss you all (Patsy and Marie) very very much. Hope you will forgive me for not writing yesterday.
Your loving husband,


I love you my sweetheart and only hope for the day when I can be with you again. Pray hard that that day will be soon.


Talk about dedication! Writing a letter at night in a tent while holding a flashlight to see what you're doing takes just that! No wonder this letter is short (But the ending thoughts are beautiful )!

September 26, 1943

Dearest Marie and Patsy,

Just a short note to let you know that I am thinking of you. Today I had a detail so I am writing this by flashlight. Very difficult trying to hold the light in one hand and write with the other. but don't want you to be without a letter.

Went to mass and communion today (Sunday) and offered up the mass for you and Patsy, for your intentions and for myself. Incidentally the masses here are offered for us and it is the same as if we had mass said in any church at home. They are all offered for you and Patsy.

The priest in his sermon gave us one wonderful thougtht based on a Prayer written by Joyce Kilmer. The poem speaks about how heavy the pack is on his back ( he was a sodier in the last war ) so much lighter (than ) the Cross upon His back. His feet are sore from walking, and he meditates on the pierced feet of Christ. Men cuss him and call him vile names and he meditates on the blasphemy offered Christ on the Cross. Then the priest said to us :Do good now and live a Catholic life for it would be too bad if we would carry the Cross and not receive the reward. Good night my loved ones. God bless you.


Missed not having a letter today. Write soon!